

(Albrighton, Boningale, Donington-with-Boscobel and Tong)

Planters in the High Street – a thank you
We would like to thank Rob Cornes who has kindly volunteered to water the two planters near Ashfields and opposite the Old Bush Pub. The Society renews the plants from time to time but we are always pleased to have more frequent help from someone nearby who can use their water supply to keep the planters watered. With that in mind, we are also very grateful to the staff of Walter Smith Butchers who water the Planter near their shop and to the Co-op for watering the Planter outside their shop.

Albrighton Station – Adopt-a-Station
Alison Taylor of the Platform Ale House invited the Society’s Chairman and Secretary to participate in a meeting she had with Network Rail and London Midland Trains (LM). Part of the meeting was for London Midland to explain the Adopt-a-Station Scheme which is a national initiative where local groups are invited to “adopt” their station. This effectively means keeping an eye on the station and often maintaining planters or flower beds depending on the station layout. The usual result is a tidier station with less vandalism. The local group would be provided with equipment, materials and advice and be supported by London Midland. We explained that the Society was already doing something similar for the Villages Entrance Scheme with Shropshire Council and that we have installed Planters in the High Street which we maintain. LM said that they would like to discuss further with the Society as they could see that we already had experience in undertaking similar projects. It was agreed that the scheme would be discussed by the Society’s Committee and that we would also bring it to the attention of the Parish Councils. It may be that an adoption, if it was decided to go ahead, could possibly be a joint project by the Society and the PCs if the PCs were in agreement? It is hoped that a presentation by LM will be arranged in the near future for the Society and the Parish Councils where more details can be provided.

Litter Pick
The Society organised a litter pick on two main roads as the build up of paper and other debris was becoming noticeable and presenting a bad impression to anyone coming into the village. Andrea McWilliams of Shropshire Council kindly loaned us some picking sticks and supplied bags. We spoke to the Scouts who were very enthusiastic and keen to help. About a dozen scouts, two parents and the Scout Group Leaders started at Shaw Lane and gradually worked their way along Kingswood Road to the A41 junction – by then some 10 large bags of rubbish had been collected. The Society’s Mike Pitchford and his team then carried out a pick along Newport Road and gathered a similar large amount of litter and it was all then collected by SC. We will organise more litter picks in future and would ask anyone who can spare an hour or so to call us and we will add you to our list of volunteers.
Finally a great big thank you to the 1st Albrighton Scouts who did a great job and also to Mike and his team!

For more information about the Society please see

or contact:

Peter Woodman –Chairman (T: 372225) 31/32 High St 
or Rod Smith -Secretary (T: 372765)